SMWOA Shining Mountain West Owner's Association
To contact members of the Board of Directors please send regular mail to:
SMWOA PO Box 202 McAllister, MT 59740
Or contact the Board via email at
Board Members
Craig McCormack
Dale Brownscombe
Matt Lennehan
Meg Sammons
Andree White-Snow
Building Information
All building projects must be approved by the Board of Directors before any building begins to assure that the structure is in compliance with SMWOA Covenants and interpretations provided by the Rules and Regulations.
The Building Permit and Guidelines are available here : Building Permit and Architectural Guidlines
SMWOA Architectural Guidelines
The Protective Covenants of SMWOA require that all structures in Shining Mountains West be approved by the Board Of Directors of SMWOA. Before you begin construction you must submit your plans, including exterior lighting, to the Board of Directors for approval.
The following guidelines have been established:
Underground Utilities
All utilities are required to be underground, both to the service entrance for each parcel and also to secondary buildings.
Color and type of siding
Covenant #4 specifies that, “ The exterior of all structures erected shall be of wood or stone or any other material of a natural wood or stained or earth tone appearance”. Garish or bright colors and garish patterns are not permitted.
Color and type of roofing
Covenant #4 specifies that “All structures erected shall have wood shingle or brown composition roofing.” The Rules and Regulations in the SMWOA By-Laws of July 9, 2004 further clarify this covenant by stating that any metal roofing installed shall be allowed only if the roofing is a non-reflective manufactured rusted metal roof.
Type of structure
Covenant #6 states that no trailers or mobile homes shall be used as a permanent residence. Modern doublewide manufactured homes are by definition Mobile Homes and therefore are not allowed. Modular Homes built to the Uniform Building Code “UBC” are acceptable as long as they are set on a permanent foundation, taxed as a site built home and have siding and roof construction acceptable according to the Covenants.
Covenant #4 states that all exterior lighting must be approved by the directors. No automatic on all night lights are permitted. All lights left on for extended periods must be shielded so as not to be visible beyond 100 feet.
All Generators should be muffled and housed in an uninhabited enclosure so as not to be a nuisance to neighbors.
The Association has a 30 foot easement from the center of every Association road. Fences along a road should be at least 30 ft from the center of the roadway. Snow drifting can be a problem along some roads. When planning to install a fence, you might want to consider how it will impact on the road. Wire fences seem to cause the least snow drifting especially on the east/west roads. Jack-leg fences seem to add to drifting problems and have prevented residents from getting to their property in the winter.